Fleeting Youth

Acrylic, 12 x 16 ins

I painted this using the acrylic glazing method-many very thin layers so that the color gradually builds up. The background and much of the hair was painted with thicker, opaque layers.

She is moving fast, enjoying the bright sunshine and outdoor activity. Just like her movement, her youth will seem to have flown by so fast. One flash and she’ll be grown up!

2 thoughts on “Fleeting Youth

  1. Thanks Hilary! It is a meditative process, and satisfying to see the colors develop. I am pleased with the result, but I’d like to feel more depth, which is why I’m practicing with oils again now. I’m investigating a similar process in oils, using an alkyd medium to help them dry overnight. However, I also love to push thick oil paint around! So many options!



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