Honorable Mention!

I entered this 11 x 14 oil portrait, which I titled ‘Satisfied’, in the annual River City Art Association juried Show in August. I was delighted when it received an Honorable Mention! It was displayed for the rest of August in the lobby of the main branch of a bank in town, and then was moved to a different branch lobby for the month of September, as part of the ‘Winner’s Show’. I went to the Winner’s Reception and thoroughly enjoyed talking to the artists present.

‘Satisfied’, oil on canvas board, 11 x 14

More Vacation Plein Air

Acrylic, 6 x 9 ins
The view from our campsite, in OH, mid-August
Acrylic, 6 x 9 ins
A closer view from the same spot. After some heavy rain, I’d set these children’s umbrellas out to dry. I noticed that I liked the pattern they made, so spent a half hour during ‘quiet time’ painting them.