
Oil on canvas panel, 12 x 16

One of my grandaughters asked me to sew a pink fleece bunting for her doll, after I had made a purple one for her sister’s doll. I made it and sent it to her and this painting is based on the photo that her mother took for me.

I like the look of quiet concentration as she inspects it. I enjoyed working with the soft and muted colors and using a palette knife for her hair.


Because we have temporarily moved (over the past month) to Western Pennsylvania (until Thanksgiving), I’ve become behind on the posts of paintings that I’d planned. I’m going to try to catch up a bit. !

These are all small (6 x 8 ins) sky paintings on canvas. I painted them earlier in the year, all from photographs I’d taken. I was experimenting with ‘feeling’ the color and trying to achieve that sky ‘glow’. These are more abstract than subjects I usually paint, and the freedom with shapes and colors was invigorating.